Sunday, October 5, 2008

Campaigning on deceit

No matter what your political preference is, the gutter politics have just got to stop. Why can't politicians campaign on their own merit alone? What a concept that would be.

Once again, I just read today how Palin is bringing up the Obama/Ayers supposed connection, as reported by the
AP: "Palin says Obama 'palling around' with terrorists". Wasn't that put to rest long ago? Will someone smack them upside the head and give McCain and Palin the information they're lacking so they quit campaigning on lies? Many fact checking sites have sorted those out long ago and they could easily take a moment to look them up and I'm more than willing to help get them started with just a few of the many sites: ; ; ; Urban Legends.

Of course, I know the McCain and Palin are banking on people believing the rhetoric. But how low can you go, misleading the sheep that way? And why is it that McCain and Palin have to belittle themselves constantly by reverting to lies about their opponents?

Yeah, I know, there are those that will believe anything that their preferred party has to say, and these same people won't take the time to investigate to find out what is true and what is not, but there comes a times when if nothing else everyone needs to really stop and look at the type of campaign they're running.

I'd be asking myself: 'Why do they have to stoop so low? Why not just tell me your platform and what you plan to do for our country? What kind of people are you that you have to crawl in the gutter to campaign?'

And something more important to me, I hate that people like McCain and Palin say they are Christians and behave in such a manner as they do. Their behavior does not represent the faith.

I long for a day when the news media no longer sensationalizes such propaganda, but instead does investigative reporting to give the readers and viewers truth and hard facts, because quite frankly most people won't do it on their own.

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