Thursday, May 21, 2009

To the Editor of, article

Since you quote Rachel's show many times please take note of some of her well documented information.
And forgive me Rachel if I don't quote perfectly but I have linked to your show so that it can be checked by for accuracy.

As you stated in your article dated May 21, 2009, in Feb. Rachel Maddow interviewed Nancy Pelosi. The video clip from from that interview is no different than what Nancy is saying now. See Rachel's show's video clip from her May 18, 2009 show - the clip called "Careful what you wish for" As you will find, Rachel has quite detailed documents and video coverage.

Also, Sen. Bob Graham has kept a notebook that details his entire day for the past 30 years of his life. The CIA said he was also told, the same as Nancy Pelosi - guess what? Nowhere is it in his detailed diaries. Those briefings first stated by the CIA did not happen. And you will see in Rachel's information - documented details that the CIA themselves are wishy washy on their own information. Even the CIA said it cannot vouch for the accuracy of it's records. Shall we LOL right now?!

I don't know who knew what when, but the information thus far should not allow anyone to be pointing fingers quite yet, other than where we know they should be pointed: Bush and Cheney who were ultimately responsible.

We should do as Nancy Pelosi has requested many times, investigate! I find it interesting that Nancy wants an investigation, but those on the Right that do not want the investigation to go forward, instead are trying to take the focus off where it should really be - punishing those responsible at the top. The previous administration.

You might want to check into it further and adjust your FactCheck article to reflect the other loopholes and possibilities.

President Obama's Speech on Thursday, May 21, 2009

Remarks of President Obama at the National Archives Museum

and to view in video:

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Will President Obama keep his promise?


Did you know that the military is still discharging soldiers for being openly gay?

One of these soldiers is California's own Lt. Dan Choi, who is also an Arabic linguist. In March, Lt. Choi went on Rachel Maddow's show and spoke honestly about his sexual orientation. As a result, the Army sent him a letter of discharge on April 23. Lt. Choi is now fighting the discharge and fighting the discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

I just signed a Courage Campaign petition to President Obama -- signed by more than 100,000 people -- urging him to do the right thing by stopping the discharge of Lt. Dan Choi and other LGBT soldiers, and asking President Obama to uphold his promise to repeal "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." The Courage Campaign will deliver this petition to the president -- that's why it is important that as many people as possible speak out right now.

Will you join me in signing and urge your friends to do the same?:


Thursday, May 14, 2009

The movie Taken

If you haven't seen it yet, it's a must see! I don't buy many movies, and I rate movies by if it's a keeper, worth buying and this is one I will buy soon. Check it out: Taken


Have you jumped into Tweeting on Twitter yet? If not you should check it out. It's a very simple tool to use to find info from news, weather, following friends, etc., and just tonight I won a book "The Making of Angels and Demons" for following Angels and Demons movie on Twitter and playing a game and answering questions! Follow me for more info