"There’s a growing group of people in this country who seem to have been forgotten by our government. Collectively known as “the 99ers,” these are the people who’ve exhausted all of their unemployment benefits, and have nowhere else to turn.
At this site, I hope that those most in need can connect with those who can help."
Oregon Chai is having its last Twitter party of the year on Tuesday, November 16, from 7 to 8 p.m. Central Standard Time. Host and wellness expert Peggy Hall will be there to share her tips for staying calm and collected this holiday season as well as how to share the gift of Me Time with your loved ones. You’ll also be able to bring your own questions for her to answer. Did we mention prizes? We’ll be giving away a plethora of chai and other gifts. One lucky participant will even win a $100 grand prize! Follow @OregonChai and @PeggyHall to join in on the fun. The party hash tag to win is #OregonChai.
Bonus – tweet. Want to add to your chances of winning? Send out the following tweet up to once a day from now until the party:
Oregon Chai is having its last Twitter party of the year 11/16 7-8 CT. Follow @OregonChai & @PeggyHall. Use #OregonChai – $100 prize Pls RT
Want a discount for that wonderful chai? Oregon Chai currently has a $1 off any Oregon Chai product coupon available here: http://bit.ly/doF73R
Oregon Chai will host a Twitter party on Tuesday, September 28 from 7 to 8 p.m. Central Time. Wellness expert Peggy Hall will host and share tips for finding Me Time and will also be there to answer guests' questions. There will also be plenty of giveaways and one participant will win a $100 Me Time Supreme prize! Follow @OregonChai and@PeggyHall to join in on the fun. The party hashtag to join is #Chaifor10
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You have to click "like" at top of their site before you can vote. Then scroll down to Doug's photo (he's riding bike and the photo of the cow is on the back of his seat as he rides in the RAGBRI) where it also is labeled:
Share this with as many of your friends as humanly possible. Remember, the internet is our friend in this instance. vote .. vote ... vote ... vote .... Like ... like ....like :o) Now Go VOTE NOW! Thanks!
One of the best Special Comments from Keith Olbermann, on Countdown with Keith Olbermann: 'There is no 'Ground Zero Mosque (full transcript and video available at that link and video below courtesy of Countdown). Yes you read that right - THERE IS NO GROUND ZERO MOSQUE!
Want to know what REALLY is being built:
"...What is planned for 45 Park Place, New York City, is a Community Center. It's supposed to include a basketball court. And a culinary school. It's to be thirteen stories tall and the top two stories will be a Muslim prayer space." - Keith Olbermann
...and how far away from "Ground Zero" that it REALLY is, and how those that attacked us on 9/11 have nothing to do with this facility:
"...It is two blocks away from the northeast corner of the World Trade Center site. From the planned location of the Sept. 11 memorial it is more like four or even five blocks...." - Keith Olbermann. Yes, once again, you read that right, not even close.
Sound threatening to you? I doubt it.
So, reminiscent of what is happening due to blind ignorance, lest we remember and never forget:
' “First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.” Martin Niemoeller (1892-1984)'
What we are seeing is once more the spread of hate and fear to manipulate people to follow the party that thrives on the hatred hoping to manipulate you. Know the real facts about every issue, and about every real and fabricated controversy before you judge. And yeah, don't forget the Constitution if you need to refresh your memory of allof our rights.
Listen to all that is revealed in Keith's Special Comment. About the people, the structure and its purpose(s). Even if you're not a fan of Keith, it does not make what he tells you any less relevant or true. Learn a little about history, about what is happening right now, and how ridiculous this controversy, that should not be, truly is. It is nothing less than another distraction of what is important:
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I've been a long time lover of Oregon Chai and recently because Oregon Chai is on a mission to help people find a little "Me Time", I was delighted when they sent me - no strings attached gifts:
a double-walled acrylic reusable (BPA-free!)
iced tea cup,
a mug,
a USB-powered mug warmer,
a 10-oz. sample of chai,
a flash drive
and a mood ring!
How cool is that?!
And as an added bonus
I'll be able to share a couple wonderful prizes
in a Giveaway with you from Oregon Chai! There will be 2 winners!
1: 10-oz. canister sample paired with the hot mug:
1: 10-0z. sample with the double-walled acrylic reusable iced tea cup:
Please read instructions completely so your entries count!
Many ways to enter. Please comment below this contest to let me know where you enter, user name, etc. so your entry isn't missed!
Mandatory to enter and your first entry:You must Follow this blog - see upper right column to "Follow"
Plus you may do one or all of each of the following for additional entries:
Blog about this Giveaway and link back to this page! http://janskay.blogspot.com/2010/07/giveaway-joy-of-me-time.html
Follow @JanSKay on Twitter and retweet "I entered the @JanSKay Oregon Chai Joy of Me #giveaway here: http://unhub.com/s5Cd Each Tweet equals 1 entry, limit 2 a day! Ends 8/9 PlsRT!"
There are many things we all wanted, that perhaps haven't been accomplished quite yet, like DADT (Don't Ask Don't Tell), but if you hear the list thus far, a lot tasks have been completed. And they were not minor feats. Yes, the to do list is still long, but when you hear what has been done, you realize there is hope that much more will be accomplished.
Do your part, make sure your voices are heard. Participate, write your congress, write your President. Help make change happen.
Clearly spells out, why this is a bad idea for AZ, and for the other states that have idiotic people wanting to implement the same laws into their state doctrine: Q&A GUIDE TO ARIZONA’S NEW IMMIGRATION LAW
“First they came for the Communists, but I was not a Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Socialists and the Trade Unionists, but I was neither, so I did not speak out. Then they came for the Jews, but I was not a Jew so I did not speak out. And when they came for me, there was no one left to speak out for me.” Martin Niemoeller (1892-1984)
Ok, so some of my Conservative friends insist there will be no racial profiling, but how do they think this new law will be implemented especially when the Governor of AZ wasn't sure how they'd do it either? How will they avoid harassing the same people, citizens of the U.S., over and over again? Will the next step to avoid repetition be by adding "666" on their foreheads?
I've belonged to MyPoints for many, many years and it's something you all really need to sign up for. You earn points for free items of your choice, just for doing what you do: checking out new sites, buying what you buy online anyway from familiar places you already use, but just linking through MyPoints to earn points towards freebies and gift cards, plus much more. I wouldn't recommend it, if it wasn't worth your time.