Well, it seems as if someone took my idea, or part of my idea for a new type forum, and ran with it. OK, I'm joking about credit, I know they don't read my blog because if they did, we'd had McCain center stage in a tested sound proof booth while Obama took his turn.Unfortunately, it didn't go off without a hitch. As confirmed by the John McCain campaign staff he wasn't in the "cone of silence" as we were assured Saturday night by Rev. Warren. As you may recall "Warren told the audience that McCain was being held in "a cone of silence" so he wouldn't hear the questions, which were similar for both candidates."And when Andrea '
...Mitchell reported that some "Obama people" were suggesting "that McCain may not have been in the cone of silence and may have had some ability to overhear what the questions were to Obama. He seemed so well prepared." the McCain campaigned lashed out. What's interesting, by doing so they
admitted that he wasn't in the
"cone of silence",'A McCain aide said that is not the case: "Senator McCain was in a motorcade led by the United States Secret Service and held in a green room with no broadcast feed."'Well, duh. Thanks for the confirmation of Obama's people and Andrea Mitchell's report.
With radios, sling boxes, blackberries....oh my....are we to believe that nobody let McCain in on any of the questions or how Barack Obama was doing? John McCain was not in the cone of silence, but a motorcade and a green room, so I ask you, why did the McCain campaign complain about a reporter actually reporting the facts, but only to use it in the art of distraction?
If McCain had been where he was supposed to, and followed the rules this wouldn't be an issue would it? Of course the story instead would have been, and should be about his incompetency to answer any of the questions completely, about his sound bite answers, and the use of the quotes from the stump speeches Warren asked neither candidate to use, of which Obama did not, and about the
stories McCain tells and apparently embellishes on. Without them I have a feeling John McCain would have been lost.
I pray that people are smart enough to realize they're being played. Sound bites are not what you should be using to make your choice for a President,
but detailed answers that really tell you what the candidate believes in, like Barack Obama provided us.But of course, about 1/2 the country allowed Bush to be in office....twice. I hope you noticed I didn't use the term
vote -that's a whole other story that shouldn't have happened. Let's hope you all learned from
your last mistakes.
As I say time and time again people, open your minds, pay attention, remember the state of our Nation and do your research before you make your choice this November.
God helps us all.